About Mark Clarke

The songs on this site were composed by Mark Clarke.
Mark Clarke also produced the videos on this site.
Many of these songs were co-produced and co-performed with Peter Chant
who contributed much to the songs in the process of playing most
of the instruments, co-creating arrangements and producing the songs.
The production of these songs date as far back as the late 80's and up to recent times.
The songs were produced on recording equipment ranging from
4 track stereo reel to reel to 8 track digital audio tape to
modern day digital recording software including MIDI .
The songs range from complete arrangements to simple unplugged solo acoustic.
Mark Clarke has been collaborating with Jacaranda as a songrwriting team
named Jacararanda Clarke. Some of the songs composed, performed and produced
by Jacaranda Clarke are in the SONGS
section of this site and some of the videos for the
Jacaranda Clarke songs are in the VIDEOS section.

Mark Clarke on Facebook, Youtube, Reverbnation, Soundclick, Soundcloud and Twitter / X.
Click/tap on the icons below.

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Peter Chant on Facebook, Youtube and Reverbnation.
Click/tap on the icons below.

Follow Peter Chant on facebook  Youtube Peter Chant  Peter Chant Reverbnation

Jacaranda on Facebook, Youtube and Reverbnation.
Click/tap on the icons below.

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Jacaranda Clarke on Facebook, Youtube and Reverbnation.
Click/tap on the icons below.

Follow Peter Chant on facebook  Youtube Peter Chant  Jacaranda Clarke Reverbnation